I have been taking a break from journaling. I guess you can see that. The summertime is very busy here. I have to get out in the morning before the temperatures reach the nineties, which they have, for days on end now. The animals need fresh cool water and to be fed early to be ready for the heat of the day. Once I get done outside, there is the inside to do, always something to do. I haven't felt very creative in my writing lately either. I have just been drawn to doing other things lately. I know I will pick it back up at a regular pace eventually.
I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't been to many journals lately either. Most of us are busy in our gardens, or mowing, planting, just enjoying the outdoors, at least I hope that is what everyone is doing. :)
Anyway, I just wanted to drop a few lines on the page here to let anyone that stopped in know that I am fine, we are all fine...just enjoying the summer.
5 years ago
I know you are busy taking care of your "REAL FARM!" Farmtown can be exhausting to me....
Honey, with all the animals you take care of, it is amazing to me you have any time to do anything, but take care of them...glad to hear from ya!...nice that you check in every now & then
Summertime brings lots of different things to do for all of us. Glad you are enjoying it. Keep cool!
Geez, no hot weather here yet. Glad to hear from you. Enjoy your Summer.
Glad to hear everything is okay there. Animals gotta come first this hot weather.
I have always wondered how you managed to do everything. We'll be looking for you when you get back to your posts. Stay well and enjoy the summer.
I know you get busy.But we do miss you when your away. Even two sentences from you is better then none.Stop[ my blog when you a chance k.}Got a good joke for you.
Take cARE
Hey There! Glad to see ya here today. I know how it is. I have been getting ready for the kids graduation party on July 11 so we have been working on the yard, the meat chicken coop, cleaning the inside, and getting garage cleaned out! Lots of work! The only journal I have been keeping up daily is my meat chicken journal so we can keep a record of their growth and what they look like. Meat chickens are VERY fun :D I didn't get the cornish cross though, I got freedom rangers. We will see IF I can bring them to the processor :( I will be sad for sure! BUT hubby wanted to try them. I may not ever be able to do it again LOL Come check it out here:
Come by looking in to let you know you're not forgotten.
Have a good Summer!
Yeah, I have been hearing on the Weather Channel how hot it is down there. We've been pretty lucky so far (fingers crossed & knocking on wood) that we've only had a few really warm & humid days.
I understand more than you know what it takes to keep everyone comfortable in the heat. We carry the weight of the world in the summer with our babies, don't we.
Good to see an update and know you are okay - been thinking about you.
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